Storage Options
When deciding on storage options there are several factors to
consider. Should you rent or buy? Would it be more advantageous to
pay cash or finance? Would a metal constructed building be better for
you or is wood the better choice? You have to decide if you want or
can have a portable building, or if you want or must have a building
built on site. At this site we will help you make those decisions by
providing information on all these choices and providing links to
various building manufacturers.
Construction Materials
Storage building
construction materials expand across a range as near infinite as
residential homes or commercial property. However, the vast majority
of these buildings are constructed of wood or metal. Within these
broad categories there are many choices of each. Some wood
constructed buildings are made of the very same materials as your
home or office and similarly constructed.
more about wood buildings ...
more about metal buildings ...
Portable vs. Site Built
The decision to buy a portable building have your building built on
site may not be entirely up to you. Some homeowner and neighborhood
covenants prohibit portable storage buildings and or prohibit
or restrict the site built buildings. You should check your
homeowner and neighborhood covenants and agreements before you shop
for a storage building.
more about portable storage
buildings ...
more about site-built
buildings ...
Payment Options
Storage buildings may be purchased outright, financed through a bank
or other lending institution, purchased on a "Rent-to-Own"
agreement, or leased or rented. Each of these options have
advantages and disadvantages and are not available for every type of
building or from, every dealer or manufacturer.
more about payment
options ...
more about rent-to-own ...
Building Dealers by
click here for a
listing of building dealers by state
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